I signed up yesterday for
NaNoWriMo, but realized I'm not a
fotki "premium" member, so I can't link their graphic here. So many people plead not to hotlink graphics and I respect that, but I don't have the $30 to upgrade and I'm not sure how to upload the icon through hello, since they don't recognize it as a graphic (even though it's a jpeg). Not sure what's going on and I have 20 minutes to write an entry (Dora's on, yay!) so I'll leave it as is for now. If anyone wants to take a second and explain it to me, feel free to use the comments section. My swiss cheese brain only allows 2 topics at a time, and right now it's this entry and Dora in the background.
I poked around the NaNoWriMo forums last night and found a link to
a very helpful article, since I'm itching to get going but know I can't write anything YET. I posted that I would be working on a 12 year-old story, one I've completed two chapters for in my 2002 online writing class at UCLA, but immediately tempered that with, "but I won't be using those because that's not allowed." And I mean it. Just going through the article exercise helped me see new ways to start the novel. Only this time I'm going to go through and keep writing, not stop at chapter 2 because the class is over.
My only other annoyance with myself is the repeated feeling that I need to
research my novel before I start. It was
Diane who put me on the right path and got me into that UCLA class. "Write first, research it later," she said, and I recognized that that's what's kept my idea on the shelf for 12 years (at the time, 10): "I'm
researching it," became my mantra, instead of, "I'm
writing it." The only thing that's gotten in my way since 2002 was raising a baby, but I'm over the hump as far as Tess is concerned, so I'm ready to begin. Again. Finally.

70 rounds down, 21 to go, and bottom ribbing...
I can't believe how far I've come on my poncho (for a comparison, see
this entry). It's getting a bit cumbersome to carry around, so I'm back to working on E's Christmas hat, but I'm so ready to wear this that I work on it in the evenings after Tess has gone to bed. The end ribbing instructions are a bit confusing for me, but I'll head to Drop in Knitting at Knit Around next week and have them help me sort it out. If I'm not ready by next Monday, I'll have a
Meetup with Ann Arbor knitters on Wednesday, and someone there can help me, I'm sure.
Oh, hey, thanks to everyone who posted a pin on my guestmap (see button in my profile/sidebar). How fun!