
"Whatever shall we do in that remote spot? Well, we'll write our memoirs. Work is the scythe of time." --Napoleon Bonaparte, on his way into exile.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm being forced to move.

Not in my plans, but I can't blog photos here anymore, so I'm up and movin' :

...unless Fliboogglehoo changes its tune!



  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger KarenD said…

    Hmmm, your new site isn't coming up for me--any ideas?

  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger Denise said…

    Okay, yeah. Fixed that.

    Rock, paper, scissors, right?

  • At 3:06 PM, Blogger Nina Castaldi Fickett said…


    Yah, our kids seem to have that big span between. My daughter is 11 and my son 5 tomorrow. YIKES. Nina

  • At 11:27 AM, Blogger Rachel said…

    You can't post photos??? Is there a limit??? That is scary- I have a Blogger acct too and I am a picture posting -feind! YIKES!

  • At 4:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

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  • At 2:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

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