All American - the layout

All American
Originally uploaded by CreativeExile.
See? We did get that photo (via email) of E getting his citizenship. I swear, if I promise anyone photos via email or any other format, I will get them out A.S.A.P. What a relief to have this great shot and get it scrapped before too long after the event.
And I did get a little cropping done this weekend...just finishing up layouts from the week before. Seems I always leave the journaling for dead last, so that's all that had to go on this one. The stars are embossed with red glitter powder, which of course doesn't scan, and my scanner also read the two "stitched" sides of my LO as different shades of red. No wonder I can't get published.
There's my new corner punch...the chunky corner pieces of patterened paper. LOVE it.
Worked on my Memories of China tie quilt over the weekend. We celebrated Thanksgiving at my brother's, then I came back Saturday to put the quilt together with my mom's help. I still have a LOT of red yarn ties to tie, but it's simpler (and prettier) than cutting & piecing that beautiful fabric.
My "former" (and hopefully future) cropping buddy, Lisa, came to my brother's on Saturday to visit while in town. She mentioned that every morning she checks her email, then checks my blog, so I'd better get cracking on fresh content. Hi Lisa!
Then, Ben got baptised on Sunday. I don't like to be rushed in the morning (one of the many reasons I don't go to church regularly), but we all managed to get ready on time and even got to church EARLY. Too bad he pretty much slept through the ceremony; that means he won't sing in the choir. Given how E sings (off tune), that's probably a given.
My Dad is getting sick -- we're thinking a serious kind of sick -- so I had offered to take my oldest brother to the airport today (so my folks could get back early, and get in to the doctor's first thing), which would have entailed Don staying over last night, but I realised Tess has school today, so I had to call Saturday night and bail. I felt terrible that I offered without thinking, as Tess was looking forward to introducing him to the Land Before Time movies (Don is one of those super-intelligent people who knew all the complicated names of dinosaurs when he was like, two years old).
My mother is so odd in her attitude toward's Tess's school...I mean, I know it's just preschool, but I don't like her missing it, especially considering we *pay* for it -- not much -- but more than that, I like getting her into a routine. Next year she has to go Every. Day.
Anyway, when I called to back out, of course my Mom said "can't Tess just skip a day?" This from the woman who wanted us to have that Perfect Attendance pin every year. (The reason I had to talk to my Mom about Don's departure, and not Don, is a whole 'nother issue...)
Actually, it was more complicated than just Tess missing a day of school. We'd have to leave just after 11a to get to the airport at noon, right in the middle of Ben's glorious long nap (3 hours if I'm lucky). Plus, there's the whole issue of getting lunch for Tess before school (and Ben). Routines. Kids need them. Moms crave them. Of course, that would be why my Mom never liked us to miss a day of school.