Fairy Door

I've seen the journal at Sweetwaters and read an article in the A2 Observer, but never realized there was actually one of these doors the coffee shop. Lynne found it last night and before I left Knit In, I took my newly finished (!) sock over to it and took a photo.
I logged an entry into the creator's journal, as well, so I thought it would be a good idea to title this entry "Fairy Door" in case he comes a-lookin'.
Now I have to find a tiny sock pattern to make a pair for the fairies, as promised.
Last night was a good night for knitters at Knit In. We had the "Borders group" -- a knitting group that usually meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Borders Arborland -- join us, and a slew of new knitters came along as well. There were well over a dozen of us takin' over the back room of Sweetwaters! Very cool.
Ingrid came with a bunch of yarn in an attempt to purge her stash. I couldn't believe she was giving away a whole bag of Schachenmayr Nomotto Softwool (well, 7 skeins) in a lovely eggplant color. I snagged that for myself in a flash of pure greed, given my yarn diet of the last 6 months. For that, I publicly apologize to all my fellow Knit In members (but I'm still keeping the yarn).
Ingrid had a ton more to give away (gasp!) so no one went home empty handed. I held back on taking anything more than the 7 skeins, which was noble, I think. Ha.
So, if Blogger's photo program works, there should be a photo to the right that shows Lynne, Jen (in her dashing hat), Emily, and the generous Ingrid. And on the chair, my now-warm right foot propped up on my bag o'stash.
I'm thinking I may have enough for Sally Melville's Favorite Summer Sweater...Ingrid had a lovely swatch of ribbing in the bag, but the softness of garter stitch seems perfect for this yarn.