
"Whatever shall we do in that remote spot? Well, we'll write our memoirs. Work is the scythe of time." --Napoleon Bonaparte, on his way into exile.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Hands Off

Kristalla the wondufall Posted by Hello

What a nutty day. My best bud Kris is in from Portland, OR, and we got together today with two of her sisters (she has three) and their kids (her older sis has 2, younger sis has 1) and her mom. We met at the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum and it was PACKED. I'm glad Kris and I are getting together separately, tomorrow -- she's going to come work out with me in the morning and then we'll probably blow any gains we make by eating lunch out at Seva's...mmm, Cocoa Cake...

Lovely display. Posted by Hello

Oh yes, Tess was fascinated by the cutaway toilet in the mini model home that is a new display. Frankly, so was I. So many kids came by to flush it that I had her wait (once everyone disappeared) until the tank was full so she could get the Extreme Flush Experience. Hey, I paid $7.50 to get in, I'm gettin' my money's worth!

Kris's mom and older sis (with her 2 kids) headed back to Livonia; Kris and her younger sis (husband and kid in tow) and myself with Tess headed down to Zingerman's -- good lord, it was like a Saturday afternoon, as packed as the museum. Tess behaved very well despite the crowd and crush and even got a bit of free bread and cheese. As you can see from the above toilet shot, she was wearing her new fairy costume (courtesy of Baba and Dyeda), charming young and old ladies alike, to whom she said, "NO!!! DON'T YOOK AT ME!!! ("yook" being 3-year-old for "look," of course). Contrary, indeed.

We met up with E for a real lunch at Weber's, then headed home. E played tennis this morning (8:30a) and this afternoon (3-5p). Yes, I am a saint. Hey, if he were at work, I'd be on my own with Tess anyway. He's giving Tess a bath right now and giving me the "day off" tomorrow, so I'll get mine, yes I will.

When I got home my new Close To My Heart Expressions catalog (for Feb/Mar) was in the mail. I am persona non grata in my upline's unit, but I am trying to get back into good graces with a gathering in mid-January. Man, there is some beautiful stuff in the new catty, but I don't have an online link to it yet. Trust me, pretty stuff for scrapbooking and rubberstamping. I can't wait to be a full consultant again.

Two exciting developments: I joined my first knitalong (see sidebar) AND I found (through the CTMH message boards) a place to host my button jpegs. So, thanks again to Karen D, but I've got a URL of my own now for those little buggers. Now, if I could just figure out why I need to download Hello photo uploading software every two weeks or so! And how to host my own knitalong for the fairy costume I'd like to make. Suggestions welcome...


  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger Lisa said…

    I've never been to the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum. It looks like fun!

  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger KarenD said…

    (Gah, why does Blogger hate me so much?)

    Back when I was an auditor, the Hands On Museum was one of my clients. It was hard to resist playing with the exhibits on the way to the office they put me in during the audit.

    If it wouldn't be party-crashing, let me know when the January scrapbook gathering is and I'll come if I'm in town--maybe buying more stuff will spur me to actually use it!


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